Thistle Pettersen sat down with Julia Beck on June 29th, 2021 to catch up with Julia about her new life in Berlin, her adventures learning to ride a bicycle, lesbian visibility, and her work with a Lesbian Spring gathering in Germany.
Julia Beck is a lesbian feminist from Baltimore, Maryland. She advocates for women-only spaces and open conversations. In 2019, she represented Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) at congressional hearings for the Equality Act and the Violence Against Women Act. Recently, Julia moved to Berlin to be with her partner and to explore life on the other side of the pond.
WLRN is thrilled that Julia is a long-time member of the WLRN collective. Thanks for tuning in to feminist-powered community media, WLRN. Enjoy the interview.
Links of interest to things mentioned in the interview:
LFT2021 festival website:
Julia’s piece about LFT2021:
City of Joy:
Article about women’s village in Kenya:…
Information on the history of bicycling in the women’s movement:… Information on FKK (Freikörperkultur, or “free-body culture”) areas in Berlin:…